About the Consciousness Collective

The Consciousness Collective is a global network deepening your Awakening and towards Enlightenment.

Being a collective allows us to offer this work with people all over the world to amplify its impact. Working as a group means we support each other and hold ourselves to a very high standard of accountability. 

Sessions are offered online and in person. Our experience has been online sessions can actually be more powerful.


Christina Grieshaber
Ger / Eng

“For me personally it’s so helpful in my grounding process. Really landing in my body and on this earth. And at the same time, opening up more and more to Reality, towards the True Nature of things. It really feels like coming home.”

David Marek
Vienna, Austria
Ger / Eng

“In finding the tool of Energy Consciousness Transmission, I have found a way to stabilize in the recognition of who I am and it really is the true cause for inner freedom and contentment.”

Fadi Farhat
Chatellerault, France
Fre / Spa / Eng

“From a very young age I’ve been struggling with trying to reconcile spirituality and daily life. After exploring Yoga, Tantra, Buddhism and other paths, I started to receive Consciousness Transmissions. The benefits have been so practical I felt the urge to share them.”

Christina Grieshaber
Ger / Eng

“For me personally it’s so helpful in my grounding process. Really landing in my body and on this earth. And at the same time, opening up more and more to Reality, towards the True Nature of things. It really feels like coming home.”

David Marek
Vienna, Austria
Ger / Eng

“In finding the tool of Energy Consciousness Transmission, I have found a way to stabilize in the recognition of who I am and it really is the true cause for inner freedom and contentment.”

Fadi Farhat
Chatellerault, France
Fre / Spa / Eng

“From a very young age I’ve been struggling with trying to reconcile spirituality and daily life. After exploring Yoga, Tantra, Buddhism and other paths, I started to receive Consciousness Transmissions. The benefits have been so practical I felt the urge to share them.”

Katie Jonzen
Indonesia / Singapore

“Peace is so much bigger than we’ve been led to believe. I cannot even begin to describe how immensely energetic Consciousness Transmissions have transformed my life.”

Kerstin Koch
Vienna, Austria
Ger / Eng

“In my experience of getting Consciousness Transmissions, I realised that living out of this present moment deepened more. In a very grounded and very expanded way. It’s beautiful and I’m really, really happy to share it with other people.”

Nina Kühl
Erlangen, Germany
Ger / Eng

“Experiencing Consciousness Transmissions felt like adding a missing puzzle piece into my life and brought me even deeper into Self Realization. I feel gifted and touched from the bottom of my heart to share this with others.”

Ruggero Costantini
Berlin, Germany
Ger / Eng 

“I’ve come to a Level of Consciousness that has ended my spiritual search. A place of unity, happiness and freedom. I wish every human being to get to this place, because it’s beautiful and empowering.”

Tatjana Vasicek
Vienna, Austria
Ger / Eng

“I was so touched how this work of Consciousness Transmissions opened my heart and connected me with a deeper sense of beingness.”

Timothy Birkl
Bali, Indonesia
Eng / Ger

“Consciousness Transmissions allow us to unconditionally be with and abide in what is. Without needing to escape, make stories or change and control anything. The sooner we do this, the sooner we find our hearts washed wide open and surrendered to love.”

Tom Hardy
Goa, India

“After receiving transmissions, there’s been a profound Awakening which has stabilized but continues to deepen. Running a business, personal relationships and all life have become full of more ease and grace. It’s an honour to be offering sessions and moving others in this direction.”

Dan Halliday
Bali, Indonesia

“After receiving these transmissions I no longer feel any sense of searching for something, because I found what I was looking for. I no longer feel any lack. I feel completely satisfied and there is nothing missing.”

Denise Harris
Bali, Indonesia

“Receiving transmissions has been one of gentlest, deepest and purest experiences in my journey. It bypasses the personality of me and you, of giver and receiver, and it’s direct. That's the only way I can describe it, it's direct.”

Who to work with?

As a collective we’re here to support your growth and empower you. Therefore, we invite you to take a minute to breath, use your intuition, and feel into who you feel connected with to most called to work with.

If this feels challenging, don’t worry we're here to help.
Get in touch and we can guide you.


For many years I followed the grace of relentless, innocent and naive Spiritual seeking. This provided the great fortune to embrace and explore Wisdom traditions from all over the world, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Vedanta, Tantra, Taoism, Mystical Christianity, Sufism, and various native Shamanic Traditions.

In the process I’ve met great Masters, teachers and participated in many rich Spiritual communities.

In this huge diversity of Spirituality, there was a growing clarity that Awakening into Self Realization was not about a specific Spiritual Practice, Form, Tradition, Lineage or Master, that many people get lost in and limited by. These are only vehicles and a direction to assist in coming into our True Nature, and the unconditional Universal Nature of all things. The end of seeking itself.

For one year I lived free from thought. The truth of Consciousness became so inexorably dominant that the Ego and negative emotions disappeared. Experiencing myself as unlimited Consciousness. There was a profound sense of acceptance and contentment beyond what was known before. In this state any question or investigation was directly answered. However, ironically at the same time, all questions and inquiries stopped.

In this state it was hard to imagine that ego/personality could even exist in others. Eventually, thoughts and emotions came back, but this knowing and being of Consciousness never left. I decided to use this as an opportunity and began wondering, “How can other people come here too?”. Through experimentation and working energetically with people, I noticed that people were coming to higher levels of Consciousness, Awakening to their True Nature and Stabilizing.

This result was very encouraging. In all the years of my Spiritual inquiry, no one considered the possibility of consistently getting these results in a systematic way. Awakening seemed to come down to just luck or perhaps a happy accident for some, and then possibly getting messed up by not knowing the importance of Stabilizing and Integration. 

It made sense to use all my life experience in the area of Spirituality to make it as easy and as clear as possible. After a consistent success rate with many, I considered the possibility of others demonstrating the ability to learn and share energetic Consciousness Transmissions. This is how the Consciousness Collective began.

I am so happy and honoured to work with and get to know everyone; they are an amazing group of people who are mature and dedicated to Consciousness. It is wonderful that you will get to know them and receive this gift of a Stabilized Awakening.